
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Grapes-nutrient analysis


Figs originated in Arabia and grow best in areas with hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Although considered a fruit, the fig is actually an inverted flower, and the seeds are the fruit, according to the California Fig Advisory Board. Flower or fruit, the nutrient-rich dried fig can help you meet some of your essential nutrient needs, making it a healthy addition to your diet.
High in Fiber

A 1/2-cup serving of dried figs contains 7.3 g of fiber. Including more fiber in your diet can help lower your risk of chronic illness such as heart disease and diabetes. Dried figs contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber slows digestion for appetite and blood sugar control and also helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool, improving bowel function. Healthy adult women need 21 to 25 g of fiber a day, and adult men 30 to 38 g of fiber a day.

Good for Your Bones

Figs contain more calcium than most other fruits, according to the California Fig Advisory Board, with 121 mg in a 1/2-cup serving. Adequate calcium intake supports bone health and growth, and reduces your risk of developing osteoporosis. Adults need 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium a day. One serving of dried figs meets 12 percent of your daily value for calcium, almost the same as 1 cup of unpacked cottage cheese. Including a variety of calcium-rich foods in your diet, like dried figs, can make help ensure that you meet your daily needs.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Consuming dried figs can help you meet your daily potassium needs and help lower your blood pressure. A 1/2-cup serving of dried figs contains 507 mg of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that helps maintain fluid balance. Increasing your daily intake of potassium can help blunt the effects of sodium, helping to lower your blood pressure. The American Heart Association says a healthy diet should contain 4,700 mg of potassium a day from natural foods. One serving of dried figs can help you meet 10 percent of your daily potassium needs.

Good Source of Iron

Dried figs can also help you meet your iron needs. A 1/2-cup serving of dried figs contains 1.5 mg of iron. Iron is an essential mineral needed to help transport oxygen in your blood. Without enough iron in your diet, delivery of oxygen to your cells decreases, causing you to feel tired and weak and more susceptible to infection. Adult men and women over the age of 51 need 8 mg of iron a day, and women between the ages of 19 and 50 need 18 mg of iron a day.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Benefits and harms of drinking fenugreek the epidermis and body

Benefits of the Fenugreek is the extraordinary therapeutic properties of the ring has a great benefit in the treatment of chest diseases, constipation, phlegm, and also the Fenugreek have utility in the treatment of hemorrhoids. 

First know the Fenugreek Fenugreek is an herb usually grows in Mediterranean countries, and is used widely in the treatment of some health problems in Egypt, Greece, Italy and South Asia, has used the Fenugreek since several centuries of nursing, where it stimulates the production of milk, including contain a substance Aldeusjnin that helps the synthesis of the hormone estrogen, which works to increase the growth of mammary cells and fill the new breast milk.

Benefits of the Fenugreek for a pregnant woman:

The benefits of the Fenugreek she used the ring widely during pregnancy as it may work to offer some potential benefits during pregnancy, prevent some risks, too, is best to consult a doctor to find out how useful eating fenugreek during pregnancy, and used the Fenugreek to increase the flow of milk for nursing, as It is also working on the treatment of abdominal pain. Damage to the FenugreekOperating the Fenugreek during pregnancy to stimulate the uterus, and addressed can lead to accelerated birth and then the birth of a child is not fully developed and the lack of studies critical in this regard, the pregnant woman covered only if the benefits outweigh the risks, so you should consult your doctor about the quantities that holder can be get.  

Benefits of the Fenugreek and uses of Foreign Affairs:

- The benefits of fenugreek to treat burns rinsing burning a mixture of powder sowing the ring with rose oil until heal burns permission.

- The benefits of the Fenugreek for the treatment of chapped skin and improve skin tone using boiled fenugreek seeds Lye of infected places twice a day.

- Benefits for the treatment of rheumatism, colds, muscle aches, fenugreek seeds are used after paste with crushed cloves of garlic with a little sesame oil and massage the affected areas.

- The benefits of the Fenugreek for the treatment of boils, used to poultice of powdered fenugreek seeds which blends the amount of powder with lukewarm water with agitated constantly until the mixture becomes the form of a paste coherent and then placed on boils and wraps it cloth, and this is the recipe best recipe does not prefer it any treatment to accelerate open dimple and recovery.

- The benefits of the Fenugreek, cooked uses the ring where the powder is taken by a handful of fenugreek powder and placed in three liters of water and boil for 10 minutes, then cool and sit where women suffering from uterine pain and swelling.

Benefits of the Fenugreek for skin: 

 Boiled put lotion of the Fenugreek on the skin gives skin freshness and vitality and attractive pinkcolor.

 Benefits of the Fenugreek in the treatment of diseases:

 Recent studies have proven that focused on studying the benefits of the ring that the Fenugreek is working to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. Circuit can be eaten cooked for nutrition and appetite and weight gain, as drinking boiled arena where that benefit in some infectious and thoracic disorders, as well as anemia and impaired appetite and structure the Fenugreek have a powerful interest in open appetite. Has been described with honey against chronic constipation, and diseases of the chest, throat, cough, asthma, and sputum, hemorrhoids, impotence, that the Fenugreek also has an interest in removing costs from the face. According to medical studies, that the benefits of the Fenugreek the Fenugreek is one of the most important herbs for generating the mother's milk The Fenugreek is given to a teenage girl to regulate the menstrual cycle, seeds can also be used in the treatment of whooping cough, asthma, hemorrhoids, constipation, and costs for the skin.

The benefits of chamomile

Grass height ranges between 15 - 50 cm, leg and his papers branched long-winged, white andyellow flower, a faster flowers drier ..

 "Chamomile benefit from fatigue more than each drug, and calms the pain and relaxes in expanding member and unrelenting hard if things were not many hardness liquidate things dense and goes diets that are tumor viscera. Irrigated Tbejh inflatable colon and liver enzymes fit, wholesome diuretic cold headache. The Ibn Sina in-law says, "dwell tumor warm analyzed, strengthens the nerves, generates urine and out of the stone."

Use of dried chamomile flowers is with a strong aromatic odor similar to the smell of apples The scientifically proven effect chamomile inflammation where used chamomile flowers such as tea taken fill spoon and placed on filling a cup of boiling water and leave for ten minutes and then drain and drink by a cup in the morning and another
in the evening it removes infections and colic and disinfectant for the digestive system and the respiratory and appetizing as a tonic for the session vessels, especially among children.
 If the person is eating chamomile tea in the morning, it protects against colds and colic pains crossbar and digestive disruptions Statistics.

 The benefits of chamomile:

Chamomile can work to cure infections. Healed chamomile compresses, for example, skin infections quickly, Chamomile can also work the same antibiotic action in healing inflammation. If you boil something from it and inhaled the person, he was able to remove the nasal inflammation of inlets and frontal quickly, and eliminates all bacteria present within a short period.

Chamomile helps raise occurring in the stomach cramps, and other sections of the digestive system, and eliminates cramps of the stomach and intestines and sometimes bitterness. Moreover, the able to relieve menstrual pain.

Chamomile also helps, to heal the wounds healed quickly, especially in those places of the body that obstructed the surgeon treatment, as the lower part of the leg. Here, the surgeon can be processed chamomile compresses or ointments Type it, Vtendml of a short time later. Chamomile also works to heal sores contagious.  

 You should not dispense with chamomile in our house, in any way, where we can use in the first aid in case of diarrhea or colic, gastric and intestinal colic bitterness, and made him tea strong and drink in this case doses, which is a lot of interest in relieving menstrual pain. Chamomile also helps the expulsion of gases generated in the intestine, and calm the nerves. And describe the medical books also use chamomile tea in the treatment of gastric ulcers, and plays Alozulan here an important role in her recovery, and to walk in the treatment of gastric ulcers Chamomile particular way, that deals with the injured chamomile tea and then lies down for five minutes on his back, like that on his left side, then on his stomach Finally, on the right side, is guaranteed so the passage of chamomile tea on various walls of the stomach.

We must follow this system because the tea leaves the stomach quickly if the patient remains upright after eating. It can also eat and extracts some of the other drugs prescribed by a doctor for this purpose and to follow the same method of use. If chamomile was addressed in a focused manner for a long time, it was possible to do so heal intestinal infections that often returns to factors and psychological crises. The vapors can be used in the treatment of chamomile flu and pulmonary explanations. Here, water is heated on the fire and deliver the sort of chamomile, then cover with destiny head with a large piece of cloth and the patient begins to steam inhalation of chamomile for a quarter of an hour at least, chamomile who shall kill these germs and raise inflammation.

Chamomile water used in the treatment of the eyes, wash them well, but advised caution and consult with your doctor before you come up with this. If I want to subcontract chamomile tea, you should not be boiled in water, but dear pours water over it and then filtered and taken. Recent tests have shown that this method is the best way to extract the largest possible amount of material Alozulan and other other beneficial substances found in chamomile. Should not eat more chamomile tea, because it leads in this case to the opposite effect, feels the person heavily in the head and a headache when you do move the head, and takes him pain, each time shaking out his body, and dizziness and nervous system, the unit mood and insomnia, which means that haunted all of those symptoms that chamomile is described in control.

And chamomile is described in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders after mixed sugar lactose. As the beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines to help digestion and get hurt when you get intestinal disorders, it is imperative to provide her to do field work in our body and the elimination of such disorders. Van chamomile tea, sugar, lactose carrying out this task and help to heal the intestines. There are as well as chamomile tea range of other compounds chamomile, Kother chamomile and chamomile water and ointments made from it, all of which are used in the treatment of the same purposes. The used compresses chamomile, you drink chamomile water obtained after casting four to five liters of hot water on two injections of flowers, in the treatment of colic and other after placed over the stomach.
We can deal with some of the conditions of unrest infectious drinking tea was Todiba of licorice,chamomile, fennel and Ghassoul, taking them amounts are similar, and be packing tea by the waythe above-mentioned, too, is not taken of this tea only one cup evening, unless the doctor prescribes otherwise.

The same tea can be used to wash the walls of the stomach, the way the lie that the foregoing, boiled chamomile is useful to make lye and to treat vaginal secretions of the vagina white. In case one of the poisonous insects, chamomile is useful in relieving pain if used in the form of compresses, in the case of a headache that chamomile can offer many services if performed for the feet heated pools Chamomile, then dried the feet. As the Wash Chamomile blond hair earned vibrant colors by adding a tablespoon of chamomile blossom to a liter of water, then the mixture is heated without being up to the boiling point, leaving five minutes and then wash it blond hair in the usual way.   

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Ways to remove the white spots on the finger nails?

Today, most of the people are getting white spots in their nails. If you don’t have white spot yet, it will be quite likely for you to get it at some point of time. There are certain indications of this spots. Indications depend upon several pattern and formations of the spots. You can also learn about some causative conditions of the same. The important indication of the spots in finger nails is the fact that, you are not well. This is one of the ways of your body to make a clear indication about your health condition.

Causes of white spots in finger nails

Nail injuries

People can come across various situations when they get hurt in nails. Sometimes, this spots and dots can also be called as leukonychia. If you get some injury at the base of your nail, this can gradually give rise to spots.

Allergic reaction

Some people have very sensitive nails. This can be one of the side effects or reaction caused by the nail paints. Some people get harmful effects of the nail polish rernover or that of the nail hardener. Some people also gets trauma due to the application of acrylic nails.

Home remedies to treat white spots in finger nails

If you want an immediate remedy of this problem when you are out with your friends, covering the nails with the nail paint will be quite effective. It is preferable to cover the same with some light shade. Individual can try out the nail paint colors such as peach and pink colors.


It is very important for individuals to maintain moisture in hands. If you want to apply a home remedy, it will be important for you massage your hand with some lotions that include vitamin E. You can massage it easily with the help vitamin E capsules absorbed in the massage oil.

Work out for its growth

You can simply let the white spots in your nails. It is important to be patient while the spots grow. When you keep it growing, it will also grow till the smile lines. Some people may not know about the smile lines which are nothing but a boundary between the nail bed and the place where the nails actually grow. Once it grow bigger and touches its tips, you can easily cut the nail from that area.

Balance diet

Diet is also an important way to keep your nails free from white spots.

Nail trauma symptoms, causes and treatment?

It is quite common for individuals to get injuries in their toenails or finger nails. You may be walking carelessly inside the house and suddenly your finger nail gets struck against the door. This is a kind of the trauma that causes formation of blood under the nail. Scientifically, this condition can also be known as subungual hematoma. People can also come across the situations when their nails torn or splits due to an accident. Ladies with long nails must be very careful while walking or doing some activity as if something is not in order, they can suffer from the nail trauma.

Causes of nail trauma

  • The shoes that are smaller than your feet can give rise to nail trauma
  • Fungal infection can give rise to deformities in nails
  • Biting of finger nails repeatedly can cause trauma
If you bite your finger nails that can give rise to a severe disease known as acute paronychia. This is a typical type of infection caused to the individuals when the bacteria get underneath the tissue where the nail lies. You may also face irritation as well as swelling just near your finger nails. Some people have a habit of picking up of the thumb nail repeatedly. They also might get nail trauma. You fingers may also have horizontal hatch marks in the middle which is a good reason for nail splitting.

Treatment of nail trauma

There is variety of treatments undertaken by physicians for all those suffering from nail trauma or subungual hematoma. One of the treatments will be to drain out blood which is trapped under the nail. If you are suffering from hematoma with minor potential, it will be possible to treat it at home by heating a needle. Now, place the paper clip /needle in the affected area and apply gentle pressure pricking it inside. Make a small hole in the area from where it will be quite easy to drain the blood. But, after this procedure, your nail may remain discolored.
If you are afraid to do this procedure at home, you must contact the surgeon or your physician. The medical assistants can easily help you getting this treated. It can be very dangerous if you don’t use the sterilized tool to operate or mend the nail trauma. The physician will always use sterile blade to cut or make a hole in the affected area. It is quite important to get the nail evaluated by the physician if the blood takes more than half area under the affected nail. If the case is severe, the nails formed outside the skin needs to be removed.
There can be situation when your toe or finger nail is torn or jagged. It is very important to trim the nail so that it does not get snagged. If your nail is lifted completely from the bed, this can be the most uncomfortable situation. It is important to hold it with proper medicine inside and wrap it with the bandage.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

What are the Odds of Getting Pregnant during Periods

Getting pregnant during menstrual period is possible but is less likely. In order to understand how women can get pregnant during periods it is essential to know how exactly conception occur and how women’s menstrual and ovulation cycle works.
Pregnancy during periods

Conception occurs when sperms and eggs meet in women’s fallopian tube. During women’s menstrual cycle, one of the ovaries releases an egg into the fallopian tube. This stage is referred to as ovulation. The egg mostly survives for one day and if then it didn’t get in to contact with sperm it sheds along with uterus lining. This causes your menstrual period.

In a study conducted by United States National Institutes of Health (NIH), menstruation cycle of 213 women was studied. Age group of women ranged between 25 to 35, wherein woman’s cycle are likely to be most regular. It was found that woman’s fertile period can extend to the beginning of menstrual cycle. Results further showed that 17% of women became fertile on seventh day of their period and some of them at even the fourth day. So, menstruation does not guarantee that women will not become pregnant.

Spotting during ovulation

Some women have slight spotting during the ovulation stage. Spotting during ovulation is of fertile cervical fluid that often appears in red or brown colour. This cervical fluid is often mistaken for an abnormal or long period. During this type of bleeding there is perfect environment for sperms to survive thus increases chances of pregnancy as well.
Pregnancy during periods

Early Ovulation

Mostly women who have menstrual cycle of 28 days ovulate on the 14th day. However, the cycle is not fix and the women can even ovulate earlier. If women detect ovulation early for example on the tenth day of their cycle then it is possible for them to become pregnant if by having intercourse during this period.

Long period

Women who have long or irregular periods have chances of getting pregnant during their period. Spotting and bleeding does not always mean that woman is not fertile. It is possible to approach ovulation while being in period. If a woman has period for ten days and she had unprotected sexual intercourse in this period, she might conceive.

In some of the cases, women starts producing fertile cervical mucus during the last few days of period. So if a woman starts to ovulate shortly after her period then she can become pregnant even if she is spotting.