
Saturday, February 27, 2016

What are the Odds of Getting Pregnant during Periods

Getting pregnant during menstrual period is possible but is less likely. In order to understand how women can get pregnant during periods it is essential to know how exactly conception occur and how women’s menstrual and ovulation cycle works.
Pregnancy during periods

Conception occurs when sperms and eggs meet in women’s fallopian tube. During women’s menstrual cycle, one of the ovaries releases an egg into the fallopian tube. This stage is referred to as ovulation. The egg mostly survives for one day and if then it didn’t get in to contact with sperm it sheds along with uterus lining. This causes your menstrual period.

In a study conducted by United States National Institutes of Health (NIH), menstruation cycle of 213 women was studied. Age group of women ranged between 25 to 35, wherein woman’s cycle are likely to be most regular. It was found that woman’s fertile period can extend to the beginning of menstrual cycle. Results further showed that 17% of women became fertile on seventh day of their period and some of them at even the fourth day. So, menstruation does not guarantee that women will not become pregnant.

Spotting during ovulation

Some women have slight spotting during the ovulation stage. Spotting during ovulation is of fertile cervical fluid that often appears in red or brown colour. This cervical fluid is often mistaken for an abnormal or long period. During this type of bleeding there is perfect environment for sperms to survive thus increases chances of pregnancy as well.
Pregnancy during periods

Early Ovulation

Mostly women who have menstrual cycle of 28 days ovulate on the 14th day. However, the cycle is not fix and the women can even ovulate earlier. If women detect ovulation early for example on the tenth day of their cycle then it is possible for them to become pregnant if by having intercourse during this period.

Long period

Women who have long or irregular periods have chances of getting pregnant during their period. Spotting and bleeding does not always mean that woman is not fertile. It is possible to approach ovulation while being in period. If a woman has period for ten days and she had unprotected sexual intercourse in this period, she might conceive.

In some of the cases, women starts producing fertile cervical mucus during the last few days of period. So if a woman starts to ovulate shortly after her period then she can become pregnant even if she is spotting.

How to get pregnant with an irregular period

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, you might face difficulty in getting pregnant. It becomes difficult to predict the time of ovulation. Here are some of the ways that can help you to get pregnant faster with irregular periods.

getting pregnant irregular periods

Try to know your ovulation period

Period of ovulation is the most fertile time of women’s menstrual cycle. For conception, it is important to have intercourse when you ovulate. The more you track the easier it becomes to predict your ovulation. Look for the signs such as surge in basal body temperature which indicates ovulation. If your body temperature shows rise on particular days every month then it is the period of ovulation.

Keep track of cervical mucus and cramping

Keep your eye open to the changes in your cervical mucus. At time of ovulation it increases in quality and becomes sticky. Some women experience cramping during ovulation.

Use ovulation kits

If you prefer to go for a less tedious way of knowing your ovulation dates then you can used ovulation kits. The problem with these kits is that by the time you get result you have already ovulated.

Fertility drugs

You can seek doctor’s advice and use fertility drugs to increase your chances to get pregnant. Such drugs elevate your chances of conception by inducing ovulation.

Medical advice

You can fix an appointment with your doctor to figure out the reason behind your irregular cycle.

How often should you get your teeth X-rayed?

Dental X-rays are useful for dentists to diagnose tooth and gum diseases. It is a simple oral exam that helps dentists find dental problems early in their development stage and this can potentially save people a lot of money and discomfort.
Dental xrays

What can dental X-rays detect?

In adults, dental X-rays can be used for different purposes, such as:-
  • to show different areas of decay that may not be easily visible in an oral exam
  • to reveal bone loss that usually comes along with gum diseases
  • to identify decay that may be occurring below an existing filling
  • to assist in the preparation of braces, tooth implants, dentures and other dental procedures
  • to reveal an infection at the root of a tooth or between gums
  • to reveal developmental abnormalities, such as tumours.

How often should you get your teeth X-rayed?

The frequency of dental X-rays depends not only on your current physical health but also on your medical and dental history. While some people may need X-rays as often as once in every 6 months, others who have no history of dental problems and who visit their dentist frequently may need an X-ray only once every couple of years. If you are a new patient at a dentist’s clinic, you might need an X-ray for him/her to establish that your dental health is pristine. Also, the first X-ray with a new dentist will help him/her with a baseline record from which he/she can compared future changes.
Here is a quick guide through who really needs frequent X-rays.

  • Children and teens with a history of many cavities may need X-rays once every 6 months or one year, depending on their age. People who have a high risk of decay for multiple reasons may also need to take frequent X-rays.
  • People with gum or periodontal diseases should get dental X-rays often because that can help their dentist to reveal signs of bone loss. If the doctor has indeed established bone loss because of gum disease, the patient may need periodontal surgery.
  • Adults with several crowns, fillings and other restorations need frequent X-rays for their dentist to find if there is any decay beneath the fillings or even in new places.
  • Smokers have an increased risk of periodontal disease and bone loss around their teeth.
  • People who chew tobacco are at an increased risk of bone loss around the disease as well as periodontal disease.
  • People with dry mouth tend to have dental issues more often because they lack saliva, which helps teeth and mouth to stay healthy by regulating the level of acid inside the mouth. A dry mouth is characteristic of low pH, which causes minerals inside teeth to break down, causing more cavities.
Therefore, whether you need an X-ray really depends on your health and history of diseases. Do not be duped into getting an X-ray for absolutely no classic reason.

Ayurvedic treatment for pimples

Pimples are considered to be a common problem amongst youngsters, teenagers and even in adults. Although several cosmetic chemical based formulations claim to be effective in treating pimples and acne, resorting to ayurvedic treatment for pimples is the safest. Considering that your skin is already suffering from skin disorders, you might not want to aggravate the problem with the usage of unsafe chemicals.
Pimple Treatment

Most of these ayurvedic remedies are simple enough to be tried at home. However, in extreme cases, you can also seek consultation from a specialized ayurvedic practitioner for case specific options pertaining to ayurvedic treatment for pimples and acne.

  • Fresh fenugreek leaves: Make a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves and water. Apply it all over your face and leave overnight. Wash off the next day. This could be an effective remedy for treating blackheads as well.
  • Rose water and lime: Mix one part rose water along with one part limejuice and apply on the pimples. You need to leave this on for about half hour and wash off. The difference will be visible immediately.
  • Drumstick leaves and pods: Drumstick leaves and pods are also known to be effective in ayurvedic treatment of pimples. Grind them together and mix them with one part lime juice to make a paste. Apply on affected areas on a continuous basis for sustained results.
  • Papaya: If your pimples have developed painful swelling, the best remedy is to extract the juice of raw papaya fruit. You need to keep the skin and the seeds when making the pulp for juice extraction. Once the juice has been extracted, apply these on the pimples for immediate relief.
  • Sesame paste: If your pimples  itch, you need to make a paste of sesame seeds and water and then apply it on the affected area. This is one of the most effective ayurvedic remedies for treating itchy pimples, rashes as well as allergies.
  • Groundnut oil: Mix freshly squeezed juice of one lime along with equal amount of pure groundnut oil. Apply on the visible pimples and acne marks. This concoction is well suited to manage blackheads as well.
  • Tomato: Take a ripe tomato and pulp it. Apply this to your face. Wash off after 15 minutes for a remarkable and visible impact.
  • Potato: Grate one potato and apply on the affected area. This is a sure shot option for ayurvedic treatment for pimples marks. This also takes care of all forms of skin blemishes, whiteheads, blackheads and all sorts of rashes.
  • Milk and lime juice: Wash your face with the mixture of boiled milk and lime juice, if you have developed pimples, acne, broken skin, rashes or blackheads.
  • Cinnamon and honey: Get some cinnamon powder and mix it with equal portion of honey, for a smooth paste. Apply this paste to the affected areas of the face overnight. Rinse off next morning for a visible impact and a fresh glowing skin.
  • Mint juice: Mint juice is an excellent antiseptic lotion for the skin. Apply it to prevent infection from pimples. You can also use it as an effective remedy for various other skin diseases like eczema and rashes.

These simple yet effective options pertaining to ayurvedic treatment for pimples will surely make a difference in a big way.

Ayurvedic treatment for bursitis

Bursitis indicates the inflammation of a tiny sac like tissue called bursa which remains filled with a fluid and acts as a cushion to absorb shocks between bones tendons joints and muscles. Due to vigorous and repetitive movement of the bone over bursa, inflammation occurs which leads to localised pain, swelling, redness, stiffness and warmth. The affected area is therefore unable to bear body pressure, causing immense pain. There are 160 bursae in the body. The most common sites of inflammation are shoulders, elbows, ankles, knee, buttocks, hips or thighs.

Bursitis indicates the inflammation

Treatment of Bursitis involves rest, compression with ice, intake of analgesics and anti-inflammatory medicines. However, Ayurvedic treatment for bursitis includes certain remedies which are very promising, cost effective and readily available. Owing to the side effects caused by the medications prescribed by physicians, ayurvedic treatment of Bursitis is preferred over other treatment methods.

Common herbal remedies for bursitis are

  • Application of warm olive oil, sesame oil, sandal wood paste, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil and neem oil are effective herbal remedies for Bursitis whichprovide instant respite to the patient.
  • Deficiency of calcium and vitamin B12 leads to swelling of the bursa and consequently the concerned organ. Therefore oral intake of calcium, vitamin B12 and magnesium is also a part of ayurvedic treatment for Bursitis.
  • Prepare a mixture by boiling a tbsp of cayenne pepper with apple cider vinegar and apply it over affected areas for quick results.
  • Keep a grated potato overnight in a cup of water and drink the strained liquid before breakfast on a daily basis to soothe the pain. This is a proven herbalremedy for Bursitis.
  • Sea waters also have therapeutic properties and have proved to be very good in case of chronic Bursitis.

remedies for treating bursitis

  • The application of Rumalaya Forte and Rumalaya Gel is recommended as it has an ayurvedic formulation. They are very potent in lessening the inflammation. Herbs such as boswellia, licorice, guggul, five-leaved chaste tree form the base of this ayurvedic treatment for Bursitis.
  • Application of Ashwagandha, Turmeric and Boswellia are recommended to reduce stress on joints and inflammation.
  • Drink two cups of liquorice tea every day to get rid of inflammation and consequent pain.
  • Consume broth made from seaweeds such as kelp which is rich source of minerals to replenish the deficiency which causes Bursitis.
  • Apart from the above mentioned ayurvedic treatment of Bursitis, those suffering from Bursitis are advised to practice yoga  to de-stress the body and alleviate the symptoms.

Managing Cravings and Aversions

I have no cravings, only aversions
According to studies, 76% - 90% women experience a craving for at least one type of food and 50% - 85% suffer aversion to only one food. This usually happens in the first trimester when hormonal changes are at their height.  Fortunately, most cravings and aversions disappear and weaken after the 4th month. If it persists after this, you may just need some emotional mollycoddling.
I find myself craving for foods that are less nutritious
Even though you cannot totally ignore cravings and aversions, you can at least ensure that your baby is getting properly nourished. Of course, you cannot force yourself to eat foods you have developed an aversion to, but you can eat other healthy foods. If you have a craving for something unhealthy, first try to distract yourself or find a healthy alternative. If it still persists, you may give in just a little bit but whatever you do, do not put your baby's nutritional needs in jeopardy.
I seem to have bizarre cravings
If you find yourself craving peculiar substances like ash, laundry, starch and clay, consult your doctor immediately, as it is a sure sign of nutritional deficiency. 
I can't stand milk. Help!
Don't worry. What your baby needs is calcium. And milk is just the most convenient source. Try having some dairy products like cheese and yogurt. Or you could try some non-dairy calcium rich foods. A third option is dry skimmed milk concealed in oatmeal, frozen desserts, puddings, soups, sauces, muffins and milkshakes. As the last option you could try a prescribed calcium supplement.

Prenatal Diet (Diet during Pregnancy)

Prenatal diet plays an important role in right growth and development of the baby. Understanding a prenatal diet helps an expecting mother to know which foods should be consumed and avoided during pregnancy. Read on to find tips on prenatal diet for a healthy pregnancy.
Good nutrition is very important during pregnancy. So, a lot of stress is given on prenatal diet. The diet helps the child grow and develop in the right way. There are lots of misconceptions and that should be made clear so that the would-be mother remains assured of the right way. 
It is important you take well balanced diet adding 300 more calories per day and take prenatal vitamin supplements as suggested by your doctor. It seems difficult at times due to cravings and morning sickness, but eating well during pregnancy is very important. 

Tips for Healthy Eating During Pregnancy
Have a quick look at some prenatal diet tips.

Add a Variety of Food Items to Diet
Eat variety of food items so that you get the required calories and you do not get bored out of eating same things daily. Think about alternatives and add them to your diet. Try to use fats and sweets occasionally so that you save yourself from putting extra fat in your body.

Vital Vitamins and Minerals
When you are pregnant, it is very important you get all necessary vitamins and minerals from your daily diet. Your doctor will prescribe you some over-the-counter vitamin supplements so that the lacking ones get covered.

Ensure Intake of Vitamin C
Select at least one citrus fruit or any source through which you get the daily dose of Vitamin C. Oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, cauliflower, mustard greens and many more are good and natural source of Vitamin C.

Ensure Intake of Vitamin A
Carrot, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes, apricots and many more are rich in Vitamin A. Include at least one of these in your diet everyday. However, excess is restricted here as it may result in fetal malformations.

Foods to Be Avoided During Pregnancy
Avoid alcohol as much as you can because alcohol has been said to be the reason behind maximum premature births, birth defects and mental retardation cases in new born. Avoid eating soft cheeses. Instead take hard cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream cheese or processed cheese.

Prenatal Diet Dos and Don’ts
Here are some dos and don’ts associated with the prenatal diet.
  • Keep a watch on your cholesterol intake. 
  • Avoid very spicy and oily food items as far as you can.
  • Limit your caffeine intake and this includes chocolates along with your coffee. 
  • Drink at least 6 – 8 glasses of water daily.
  • If you suffer from morning sickness, eat small meals instead of taking three large ones and drink liquids separately from meals. 
  • Increase your intake of dairy products and take care that you take at least four servings of dairy products daily.
  • Choose food items that are rich in fiber. Eat fresh fruits and make sure you eat vegetables daily. Take whole grain breads and cereals. 
  • At least three servings of iron rich food daily are important when you are pregnant so that the daily requirement of iron gets fulfilled.
  • Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid and every pregnant woman needs 0.4 mg of folic acid. 
So, if you keep these points in mind, you will feel much better and comfortable during pregnancy. There are few things that are natural and you should not worry much about it. For example, food cravings are normal during pregnancy. You need not stop yourself just because you will add few pounds. On the other hand it is also important that you know when to stop because excess of anything is bad.
If you have any problem that prevents you from taking balanced meal during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. You can also contact nutrition experts to help you maintain nutrition and good health during pregnancy.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Olive Orange Cake

Olive Orange Cake

Boiled oranges ready to puree

Pureed Whole Oranges
2 oranges1/2 cup light olive oil3 large eggs1/2 teaspoon salt1 cup organic pure natural cane sugar6 tablespoons brown rice flour2 tablespoons tapioca starchpinch of xanthan gum1 cup cornmeal1 cup almond meal/flour1 teaspoon baking powderFor the glazeJuice of 1 orange (about 5 tablespoons)2 tablespoons raw honey

The cake was simple to make once got through the first step which was interesting.  Boiled two whole oranges for an hour, then let them cool to room temperature before cutting them up and pureeing them in the food processor.  The whole oranges were something I was intrigued with using in a cake.  I would make this cake again for sure.
The whole oranges definitely make orange the star of this cake. If you haven't made a cake with olive oil before, do not fear, you cannot taste the olive oil, light olive oil instead of extra virgin olive but easily good eats mentioned using virgin olive oil and was still not detectible.
For the cake:
1. Boil two whole oranges in a pot of water for an hour.  Make sure they are completely submerged the whole time.  To do this, I put a smaller saucepan pan on top of the oranges to hold them under the water (otherwise, they float).  Once boiled, remove them from the water and let them cool to room temperature.
2. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.  Lightly grease and flour, used brown rice flour an 8 inch round cake pan.
3. Cut the oranges into quarters, remove any seeds and puree it in a food processor.  Whisk together the eggs, sugar and olive oil until the sugar is completely dissolved.  Add the orange puree and mix well.  In a separate bowl, whisk together the cornmeal, almond flour, the gluten free flour mixture and the baking powder.  Mix the dry ingredients in to the orange mixture and stir until just combined.    Pour the batter into the cake pan and bake for one hour or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
4. For the glaze, juice the orange and whisk together with the honey.  Cook in a small saucepan over medium heat until it thickens slightly.    Drizzle the glaze over slices of the cake.  (You might want to double the glaze to have enough for the whole cake.

Orange Sweet Cake

Orange! Let’s roll out our skills to make a great orange upside down cake. It’s promised, it’s not difficult at all and the end result is tasty as hell! Your kids will enjoy for sure.
For 4 individual portions(Ingredients):
5 oranges
1/2 cup (70 g) powdered sugar  4 teaspoons brown sugar (for molds)  1 cup (85 g) flour  2 eggs  2 3/4 (40 g) butter, melted  2 teaspoons baking powder
Cooking instructions : Orange Sweet Cake
1. Collect the orange segments  only the pulp. It is not complicated but you must follow some rules: it is first necessary to peel the oranges and then remove the top and bottom areas. here’s a quick step by step tutorial to collect orange supremes. Usually an orange is enough to line a tart pan, however, as more slices to complete if necessary.
2. Preheat your oven to 410° F (210°c).
3. Generously butter each mold, sprinkle with brown sugar and arrange the orange supremes.
4. Prepare the dough: whisk the eggs with the sugar, add flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder and butter and mix well. 5. Pour this mixture over the orange segments and bake for 35 minutes.
6. let teh cake cool out of the oven and un-mold with the help of a knife or a spatula. For an “adult” version, do not hesitate to flame a little rum with sugar. A good flame spread over the cake just before un-molding is a delight

Enjoy your Simple Orange sweet cake.

Fruits for Pregnant Women

Most of the women are worried about eating fruits as papaya and pineapple are considered to be dangerous during pregnancy. Fruits to avoid during pregnancy If you want to know which fruits you can have during pregnancy, here is a list. Check out the fruits you should include in your pregnancy diet for a healthy you and baby.

1.        Avocados It is one of the fruits that is rich in folic acid. Women need loads of folic acid during pregnancy, which is very good for the mother and the fetus was conceived. In addition to strengthening the nervous babies, avocado fruit benefits for pregnant women also reduce the risk of babies born with disabilities. have this fruit.

2.      Mangoes The summer fruit is not just delicious but healthy too. Mango can help facilitate digestion pregnant women besides mangoes are also rich in vitamins A and C which is healthy for pregnant women.
3.      Grapes Many women think it is not safe to eat grapes. However, grapes are rich in Vitamin A which stabilises metabolic rate. Grapes also have folate, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and sodium which is good during pregnancy.
4.       Sweet lime It is one of the fruits that reduces nausea, morning sickness and common health problems during pregnancy. The citrus fruit is loaded with antioxidants that are good for the baby.

5.        Lemon Lemon is often used by women to aid digestion, get rid of nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy. Lemon cleanses the body and flushes out toxins.

6.        Bananas Constipation is a common health problem during pregnancy. For easy passage of stool and a clean system, have bananas. Bananas also contain vitamin C is necessary for the formation of blood vessels, gums, bone and skin, therefore extra vitamin C is needed in times of pregnancy.

7.       Berries Berries are rich in antioxidants and is considered as a superfood. You can include this fruit in your pregnancy diet.
8.       Oranges They are sweet and tangy; perfect flavours a pregnant woman wants. Moreover, the citrus fruit is loaded with vitamins and nutrients.
9.       Apples It is healthy and loaded with healthy vitamins that are good for the body.

10.     Lychee This summer fruit is definitely a safe fruit during pregnancy, Lychee is good to eat on the hot day, to refresh the body.

Maintaining proper nutrition during pregnancy is important not only for your baby's health but also for the mother's health, too. Incorporating fruit into your pregnancy diet is a healthy, delicious way to boost your nutrient intake, while aiding in the growth and development of your baby.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

10 Brainteasers to Test Your Mental Sharpness

mind game, puzzle,brainteasers 10 Brainteasers to Test Your Mental Sharpness
To test your mental acuity, answer the following questions (no peeking at the answers!):
1. Johnny’s mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?
2. A clerk at a butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?
3. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
4. How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?
5. What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?
6. Billie was born on December 28th, yet her birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?
7. In British Columbia you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?
8. If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?
9. Which is correct to say, “The yolk of the egg is white” or “The yolk of the egg are white?”
10. A farmer has five haystacks in one field and four haystacks in another. How many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in one field?
1. Johnny.
2. Meat.
3. Mt. Everest. It just wasn’t discovered yet.
4. There is no dirt in a hole.
5. Incorrectly (except when it is spelled incorrecktly).
6. Billie lives in the southern hemisphere.
7. You can’t take a picture with a wooden leg. You need a camera (or iPad or cell phone) to take a picture.
8. You would be in 2nd place. You passed the person in second place, not first.
9. Neither. Egg yolks are yellow.
10. One. If he combines all his haystacks, they all become one big stack.
Okay, some of these are a bit corny. But they all illustrate several brain idiosyncrasies that affect how we make decisions in the world.
Thanks to the way our brain works, we have a very strong tendency to see what we want to see and what we expect to see. This has huge implications when studying our customers, markets, competitors, and other data that influences key business decisions.
When we only see what we want or expect to see, we miss competitive threats because our brain tells us a threat couldn’t possibly come from that direction. We miss opportunities because we only see what has worked in the past rather than what could be. And we miss major market shifts and changes in customer needs that seem obvious in hindsight but are easily overlooked when focusing on what we already know.
Our brain doesn’t like information gaps, so we tend to jump at the first answer/ solution that looks good rather than take the time to examine all the data. This is especially true in a world where we receive more information every day than we have time to assimilate. Finally, our brains love to see patterns and make connections. This trait serves us well in many ways as we move through the world. But the brain doesn’t always get it right.
For example, how did you answer question #1 (be honest)? For most people, the first word that pops into their head is “June,” because the brain quickly spots the April/May/June pattern. Upon re-reading the question and analyzing the data, the answer “Johnny” becomes obvious.
And what about the man with the wooden leg? Your answer depends on how you interpret “with.” Does it refer to the man with the wooden leg or to the camera? A bit of a trick question, but it clearly illustrates how the language we use shapes the way we look at the world.
Perhaps the best example of how we miss things is the egg yolk question. Everybody knows egg yolks are yellow. But the question’s phrasing puts our attention on selecting the correct verb, so we overlook an obvious piece of data and an even more obvious answer.
We can’t change how the brain works – at least not yet. Give science another 50 years and who knows what our brains will be doing! For now, we can become more aware of how our brain works, then pause from time to time to consider what we’re missing. This includes the data we’re unconsciously screening out as well as different sources of data to counterbalance what we expect to see.
Get in the habit of teasing your brain. You’ll be amazed at what you end up seeing that you didn’t see before.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Pomegranate - Antioxidant Fruit

Pomegranate - Antioxidant Fruit

Pomegranates are among the most lauded "superfoods" foods recognized for their excellent nutritional value as well as their potential for disease prevention. Each pomegranate fruit contains hundreds of arils the sweet, translucent red flesh covering each seed that contribute to your daily fruit intake. Pomegranates boost your intake of essential vitamins, and might also have a role in slowing the development of some types of cancer.
Health benefits of Pomegranate.
The fruit is moderate in calories, 100 g provides 83 calories, slightly more than that in the apples. It contains no cholesterol or saturated fats.It is rich source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, providing about 4 g per 100 g, which aid in smooth digestive and bowel movements. The fruit is suggested by nutritionists in the diet for weight reduction and cholesterol controlling programs. Regular inclusion of fruits in the diets boosts immunity, improves circulation, and offers protection from cancers.Certain ellagitannin compounds such as Granatin B and Punicalagin are found abundantly in the pomegranate juice. Studies suggest thatpuritanical and tannins are effective in reducing heart-disease risk factors by scavenging harmful free radicals from the human body.Total antioxidant strength of pomegranate fruit measured in terms of its oxygen radical absorbance.
The fruit is an also good source of antioxidant vitamin-C, provides about 17% per 100 g of daily requirement. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents by boosting immunity.Regular consumption of pomegranate has also been found to be effective against prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, diabetes, and lymphoma.
Further, it is an also good source of many vital B-complex groups of vitamins such as pantothenic acid vitamin B-5, folates, pyridoxine and vitamin K, and minerals like calcium, copper, potassium, and manganese.

Enjoy pomegranates as a snack on their your own, or added to your recipes. Try using pomegranate arils to add sweetness to an arugula salad, or pair pomegranates with spinach, red pepper and toasted chopped walnuts for a healthy wrap bursting with flavor. Try juicing pomegranates to make your own beverages a mix of pomegranate and orange juice makes for a refreshing drink to start your day and, combined with blended frozen fruits, creates a nutrient-packed smoothie. Avoid messy pomegranate stains by carefully cutting the fruit in half then seeding your pomegranate submerged in a bowl of water. copper, potassium, and manganese.

Most important foods to fight against the common cold

  foods to fight against the common cold,health tipsMost important foods to fight against the common cold

1. Ginger : Ginger is the best one to fight against common cold. Take Ginger as in the form of Ginger Tea for best results. It helps to reduce the cough and flu.
2. Vitamin C Sources : Foods which are rich in Vitamin C will be beneficial to fight against cold such as Citrus fruits, Potatoes, Strawberrie, pineapples.
3. Fluids : Many people thinks that drinking fluids and water increase the cold when we are suffering from cold but its wrong drink more fluids to keep you from liquefied.
4. Citrus fruits : Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamina C, Try to take Orange juice, Lemon juice. It gives good result.
5. Hot and Spicy food : Chillis or spicy sauces to help congestion and gives good breathing.
6. Garlic : Garlic contains flavoring agent called alliin which acts as a antioxidant and destroy radicals,oxygen molecules that damages the cells.

Antioxidant Brain Fruit

Eating good antioxidant Fruits helps you avoid diseases that make life tough on your brain. There are some Fruits which are a powerhouse for brain health. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals are groups of atoms that can damage cells and are believed to accelerate the progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age-related diseases. A diet rich in antioxidants may also keep the brain operating at its peak to help reduce the risk of conditions.

Here are some of selected fruits that have high benefit for our brain:

Avocado - Healthy unsaturated fats in avocados help keep your brain cell membranes flexible. Avocados contain high quantities of monounsaturated fatty acids. helped protect nerve cells in the brain known as astrocytes, which provide support to information-carrying nerves. Avocados combine brain healthy omega-3 fatty acids with natural vitamin E, which has been clinically proven to prevent Alzheimer's disease from progressing and even reversing it in its earliest stages.

Blueberries - Help to improve short term memory, and slow, and even reverse, the onset of age related memory problems and balance issues. They also have a low GI, Berries could play an important role in clearing the accumulation of toxic proteins in the brain.Berries are a good source of antioxidant compounds and compounds such as polyphenolics that block inflammation and protect against cell damage. Scientists believe these polyphenolics restore the brain's ability to clean up cell debris produced as the brain ages, so it doesn't interfere with normal brain and nerve function. In a sense, the polyphenolics in berries carry out a "clean up" job that allows the brain to function better.

Nuts - Nuts are not only high in protein, but are also a good source of vitamin E, which helps prevent memory decline. Nuts contain protein, high amounts of fiber, and they are rich in beneficial fats. For getting an immediate energy boost that won’t turn into a spike later, you can’t do better than nuts. The complex carbs will perk you up while the fat and protein will sustain you. Nuts also contain plenty of vitamin E, which is essential to cognitive function. You don’t have to eat raw, plain, unsalted nuts, but do avoid the ones with a lot of sweetening or seasoning blends. Filberts, hazelnuts, cashews, and walnuts are great choices, with almonds being the king of nuts.

Watermelon - An excellent source of vitamin B6, watermelon makes an awesome brain food since it contains 92% water, which is the same content as the brain.  Besides this, watermelon helps regulate brain chemicals, thus normalizing sleep patterns, alleviating stress and depression besides enhancing a feel good factor. Being nature’s most natural source of potent antioxidant vitamins such as C and A through concentration of beta-carotene, along with their abundant supply of carotene antioxidant, lycopene, Watermelons protect the bodies from risk of various ailments.

Tomatoes - Tomatoes have been shown to fight against damaging free radicals. More concentrated methods of consumption, such as in tomato paste, provide the greatest benefits, but fresh tomatoes still hold some benefits as well.Tomatoes usually make the brain-boosting food lists. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is particularly good for your brain, it even helps prevent dementia. You have to cook tomatoes to get the lycopene take that, raw foodies! Just kidding. But this does mean that ketchup is good for your brain. Although because of the sugar in it, you should look to other sources for most of your lycopene intake, such as fresh tomato sauce.

Pomegranate - Pomegranates contain same level of antioxidant as blueberry, which are essential for a healthy brain. Your brain is the first organ to feel the effects of stress, so anything you can do to offset stress is probably a smart choice although note that the connection between pomegranate and stress reduction is currently both contested and unconfirmed.Drinking pomegranate juice is very effective than eating it, pomegranate juice is also contains a lot of Fiber

Kiwi - kiwi that increase bone density because of the presence of potassium which prevents the loss of Calcium and helps keep bones intact.Fresh kiwi fruit is a very rich source of heart-healthy electrolyte potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure by countering malefic effects of sodium. It also contains good amounts of minerals like manganese, iron and magnesium. These nutrients are important for the development of healthy bone. Apart from this, it contains potassium that is required for development of bone. Potassium is required to prevent the loss of calcium. It increases body capacity to absorb and utilize calcium. So kiwi fruit is effective to protect from osteoporosis.

Cherries - Eating cherry improves brain health due to its rich antioxidants. It prevents degeneration of brain cell thus prevents memory loss. The cherry also contains another antioxidant called Melatonin which due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. It produces a soothing effect on the brain neurons helping to relieve neurosis, insomnia and headaches and calms down nervous system irritability. It was found that individuals with low melatonin levels have experienced heart attacks. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD benefit from eating cherries or drinking cherry juice as the melatonin level increased as it brought about a calming effect on the brain neurons. Melatonin, is also associated with slowing down the aging process.
Carrot - Eating carrots benefits your eyes, but did you know they’re also good for your brain? Carrots contain a significant amount of luteolin, a compound shown to reduce brain inflammation and memory deficits. During normal aging, immune cells in the brain tend to produce more inflammatory molecules, which contribute to memory problems. Luteolin stops the release of these inflammatory molecules in the brain. start to eat carrot or drink carroit juice from now to get active with your brain.