
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Prenatal Diet (Diet during Pregnancy)

Prenatal diet plays an important role in right growth and development of the baby. Understanding a prenatal diet helps an expecting mother to know which foods should be consumed and avoided during pregnancy. Read on to find tips on prenatal diet for a healthy pregnancy.
Good nutrition is very important during pregnancy. So, a lot of stress is given on prenatal diet. The diet helps the child grow and develop in the right way. There are lots of misconceptions and that should be made clear so that the would-be mother remains assured of the right way. 
It is important you take well balanced diet adding 300 more calories per day and take prenatal vitamin supplements as suggested by your doctor. It seems difficult at times due to cravings and morning sickness, but eating well during pregnancy is very important. 

Tips for Healthy Eating During Pregnancy
Have a quick look at some prenatal diet tips.

Add a Variety of Food Items to Diet
Eat variety of food items so that you get the required calories and you do not get bored out of eating same things daily. Think about alternatives and add them to your diet. Try to use fats and sweets occasionally so that you save yourself from putting extra fat in your body.

Vital Vitamins and Minerals
When you are pregnant, it is very important you get all necessary vitamins and minerals from your daily diet. Your doctor will prescribe you some over-the-counter vitamin supplements so that the lacking ones get covered.

Ensure Intake of Vitamin C
Select at least one citrus fruit or any source through which you get the daily dose of Vitamin C. Oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, cauliflower, mustard greens and many more are good and natural source of Vitamin C.

Ensure Intake of Vitamin A
Carrot, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes, apricots and many more are rich in Vitamin A. Include at least one of these in your diet everyday. However, excess is restricted here as it may result in fetal malformations.

Foods to Be Avoided During Pregnancy
Avoid alcohol as much as you can because alcohol has been said to be the reason behind maximum premature births, birth defects and mental retardation cases in new born. Avoid eating soft cheeses. Instead take hard cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream cheese or processed cheese.

Prenatal Diet Dos and Don’ts
Here are some dos and don’ts associated with the prenatal diet.
  • Keep a watch on your cholesterol intake. 
  • Avoid very spicy and oily food items as far as you can.
  • Limit your caffeine intake and this includes chocolates along with your coffee. 
  • Drink at least 6 – 8 glasses of water daily.
  • If you suffer from morning sickness, eat small meals instead of taking three large ones and drink liquids separately from meals. 
  • Increase your intake of dairy products and take care that you take at least four servings of dairy products daily.
  • Choose food items that are rich in fiber. Eat fresh fruits and make sure you eat vegetables daily. Take whole grain breads and cereals. 
  • At least three servings of iron rich food daily are important when you are pregnant so that the daily requirement of iron gets fulfilled.
  • Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid and every pregnant woman needs 0.4 mg of folic acid. 
So, if you keep these points in mind, you will feel much better and comfortable during pregnancy. There are few things that are natural and you should not worry much about it. For example, food cravings are normal during pregnancy. You need not stop yourself just because you will add few pounds. On the other hand it is also important that you know when to stop because excess of anything is bad.
If you have any problem that prevents you from taking balanced meal during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. You can also contact nutrition experts to help you maintain nutrition and good health during pregnancy.

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